International experience: |
- Vienna University of Technology, Austria — Research stay (2007, 1 year)
- Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands — Post-doctoral stay (2001, 1 year)
- Milwaukee School of Engineering & Rockwell Automation, Inc., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA — Internship (1996, 1 month)
- University of Buckingham, UK — Internship (1995, 1 month)
- University of Essen, Germany — Internship (1994, 1 month)
Recent publications:

- Derner, E., Kubalík, J., & Babuška, R. (2021). Guiding Robot Model Construction with Prior Features. In 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 7112–7118, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Kubalík, J., Derner, E., & Babuška, R. (2021). Multi-Objective Symbolic Regression for Physics-Aware Dynamic Modeling. Expert Systems with Applications (182), November 2021, 115210.
- Kubalík, J., Derner, E., Žegklitz, J., & Babuška, R. (2021). Symbolic Regression Methods for Reinforcement Learning. IEEE Access (9), October 2021, 139697–139711.
- Derner, E., Kubalík, J., & Babuška, R. (2021). Selecting Informative Data Samples for Model Learning Through Symbolic Regression. IEEE Access (9), January 2021, 14148–14158.
- Kubalík, J., Derner, E., & Babuška, R. (2020). Symbolic Regression Driven by Training Data and Prior Knowledge. In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion (GECCO '20), 958–966, Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA.
- Kulich, M., Kubalík, J., Přeučil, L. (2019). An Integrated Approach to Goal Selection in Mobile Robot Exploration. Sensors 2019, 19, 1400.
- Kubalík, J., Kadera, P., Jirkovský, V., Kurilla, L., Prokop, S. (2019). Plant Layout Optimization Using Evolutionary Algorithms. HoloMAS 2019: 173-188