Czech Technical University in Prague,
Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics,
Jugoslávských partyzánů 1580/3, Praha 6, Dejvice
Building B, Room 635
TRADR is an integrated research project funded by the EU FP7 Programme. Using a proven-in-practice user- centric design methodology, TRADR develops novel S&T for human- robot teams to assist in disaster response efforts, over multiple missions: The novel S&T makes experience persistent. Various kinds of robots collaborate with human team members to explore the environment, and gather physical samples. Throughout this collaborative effort, TRADR enables the team to gradually develop its understanding of the disaster area over, multiple possibly asynchronous missions (persistent environment models), to improve team members’ understanding of how to work in the area (persistent multi-robot action models), and to improve team-work (persistent human-robot teaming).
CloPeMa is a 3 year open-source EU-FP9 research project which aims to advance the state of the art in the autonomous perception and manipulation of fabrics, textiles and garments. The CloPeMa robot will learn to manipulate, perceive and fold a variety of textiles. The operating-software is based on ROS and written in C++ and Python. (since 4/2012)
AgentPolis formerly UrbanSim is a fully agent-based platform for modeling multi-modal transportation systems. It comprises a high-performance discrete-event simulation core, a cohesive set of high-level abstractions for building extensible agent-based models and a library of predefined components frequently used in transportation and mobility models. (2010)
Solving the DNA fragment assembly problem efficiently using iterative optimization with evolved hypermutations
Jiří Kubalík, Petr Buryan, Libor Wagner,
GECCO - 2010, [DOI, bibtex]
Garment Perception and its Folding Using a Dual-arm Robot
Jan Stria, Daniel Prusa, Vaclav Hlavac, Libor Wagner, Vladimír Petrík, Pavel Krsek, Vladimir Smutny,
IROS - 2014, [DOI, bibtex]
architecture, design, edX, Frisbee, electronics, physics, orienteering, slacklining, climbing
I whote a couple of Neovim plugins. An universal universal Read-Eval-Print-Loop ReplSend and in buffer python code evaluation Equals #=
Siemens star generator