Nikolaj Bjørner and Mikoláš Janota
Microsoft Research, |
def sign(M,a): if M(a) return a else return
def level(j,a): return max level of bound variable in atom a of parity j
def strategy(M,j): return 
def tailv(j): return 
j = 1
M = null
while True:
strategy(M, j) is unsat:
if j == 1:
return F is unsat
if j == 2:
return F is sat
C = Core(
, strategy(M, j))
J = Mbp(tailv(j), C)
j = index of max variable in J
of same parity as j
M = null
M = current model
j = j + 1
Note: core for is implicant of
Extends to Quantifier Elimination.
Enumerate literals that imply
by tracking clauses asserted at level 2.
Our base strategy uses limited look-ahead.
It is possible to formulate stronger strategies (based on models)