University Photos
Opening a New Laboratory 2000 Dean’s Inauguration 2000 Ceremony in Betlehem Chapel 2001 Students’ Immatriculation 2001 Graduates’ Meeting 2001 Competition 2001 Christening the Almanac 2002 Academic ceremony Jindřichův Hradek 2002 Cooperation CVUT Praha – RWTH Aachen 2002 Graduation Ceremony in Betlehem Chapel 2003 A concert in the National Museum of Technology Prague 2003 A Performance in Jára Cimrman’s Theatre Prague 2003 Electrical Waltz
Faculty Anthem 2003Zdeněk Svěrák and Vladimír Kučera Prague 2003 At the desk 2003 Visit of the President of the Czech Republic 2003 Polynomial Day Anniversary Event December 2003 Birthday Party December 2003 Playing with a flyball governer Brno 2004 Fancy-dress ball Prague 2005 Chevalier dans l’ordre des Palmes Académiques Appointed 2006 One Hundredth Anniversary of Antonin Svoboda Prague 2007 MBA Graduate Party Prague 2008 MBA Graduation Ceremony Betlehem Chapel, Prague 2007 Birthday Party November 2008 Birthday Party November 2008 Birthday Party November 2008 LearnForm project, Kick-off meeting Chemnitz 2009 Vladimír Kučera 2009 MBA Graduation Ceremony Betlehem Chapel, Prague 2010 A ceremony in Betlehem Chapel, Prague 2011 Birthday Party December 2013 Birthday Party December 2013 Birthday Party December 2013 Birthday Party December 2013 IFAC Officers Meeting Vienna 2015 Nine IFAC Presidents Chicago 2015 Visit of Chancellor Merkel and Prime Minister Sobotka Prague 2016 New Building CIIRC-A Prague 2017 New Building CIIRC-B Prague 2017 CIIRC by night, Prague 2017 Visit of President Zeman at the Official Opening of CIIRC Buildings Prague 2017 Visit of Her Highness Mona al Said from the Sultanate of Oman Prague 2017 Vladimír Kučera has resolved the long-standing open problem of decoupling Prague 2017 BitFest, Como 2017 Meeting the Prime Minister Babiš at CIIRC, Prague 2018

Photo: Ondřej Kalmán

Photo: Ondřej Kalmán

Photo: Ondřej Kalmán

Photo: Ondřej Kalmán

Photo: Jiří Ryszawy