There are sensors, that produce 3D point data directly. An example data from Intel RealSense camera are available here. Every data file contain a single scene, there are several point-clouds in a file from different view-points. The 3D points of each view-point are in coordinate system centered/oriented at the actual sensor position. Additionally, each view-point contains (imprecise) rotation and translation with respect to global coordinate system.
The task is to load the data from chosen scene, align particular point clouds together and store/show them as PLY 3D model file.
use the stored rotation and translation for alignment. Note, that they transforms from world frame to $i$-th view sensor frame: $X_i = R X_w + t$
implement and use ICP (Iterative Closest Point) method for refining the rotations and translations, and produce improved PLY file.
Note: there is a simple package ''ge'' for writing a PLY file. The RealSense data are stored in .pckl file, an example of reading 3D data and storing to a PLY file follows. The recommended viewer for the 3D PLY files is MeshLab.
import numpy as np
import pickle
import ge
file = "data/realsense/2019-12-09_11-06-02_data.pckl"
# load .pckl data from the RealSense sensor
with open( file, "rb") as fh:
data = pickle.load( fh )
# a single view is stored in data[i]
Nview = len( data ) # number of views
# colormap for storing each view with different color
cmap = 'jet')
# open PLY output object
g = ge.GePly( file[:-5] + '.ply' ) # change extension .pckl to .ply
# iterate views
for i in range( 0, Nview ):
# 3D points from a single view - 3 x n numpy array
X = data[i]["points"].T
# rotation matrix, 3x3 numpy array
R = data[i]['extrinsics'][:3, :3]
# translation vector, 3x1 numpy array
t = data[i]['extrinsics'][:3, [3]]
# transform the points X here using R and t
# R = .....
# t = .....
# color for this view
C = cmap( i / ( Nview - 1 ) )[:3] # skip alpha
# ply output
g.points( X, color=C )