
The basic idea of my lectures is to spread interdisciplinary approach both to the student of humanities (psychology, philosophy, linguistics, neuroscience) and technical sciences (informatics, robotics). This stance is consistent with the cognitive science connecting methods and theories from different subfields into coherent theoretical framework. I have been teaching Introduction of cognitive science at Faculty of Social Studies for the five years to explain basic concepts of philosophy of mind, artificial intelligence, neuroscience and cognitive psychology to the heterogeneous audience. The course was attended by students of the technical sciences and humanities and it was very fruitful for all participantsts to discuss the problem of human mind simulation from various perspectives. Together with my colleagues I also give lectures and seminars in the course Cognitive Psychology III-Metacognition at the same faculty. My part is dedicaed to the comparison between artificial and natural intelligence.

I also teach the course Cognitive systems at Faculty of Cybernetics CTU. This course is conceived as the introduction to the cognitive psychology for the students of technical sciences. The basic concept is the overview of the history, methods and theories of cognitive psychology. There were presented wide variety of psychological experiment and studies to the participants and the seminars were dedicated to the self administration of the experiments by students. This course was supported by the FRVS grant that allows to buy psychological books, access to electronic library dedicated to the cognitive science (Cognet) and also software for administration of psychological experiments.


2005-2010 - Introduction to Cognitive Science

2008-present - Cognitive Systems

2009-2010 - Cognitive Psychology - Metacognition

Courses in preparation:

Cognitive modeling and neurocomputing


Experimental Psychology

michal vavrecka

Briefly about me

I am a young researcher interested in the cognitive science. My research combines theories and methods of cognitive psychology, neuroscience and computational modeling. I focus on the knowledge representation in the area of spatial cognition.


Michal Vavrečka
BioDat research Group
Gerstner Laboratory
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Czech Technical University
Karlovo namesti 13
Office: E209
phone: +420224357609
cell: +420608661977