About Me

Hi! I am

a PhD student of Tomas Pajdla at the CTU in Prague. My domain is Computer Vision with focus on 3D Reconstructions, Camera Calibration and Deep Geometry.

a member of AAG - Applied Algebra & Geometry Group at CIIRC - Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics , CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague

currently working on H2020 SPRING project!

My Resume

  • Work Experience

  • Work Package Leader

    H2020 Spring - 2020 - Current

    Research in field of visual and semantic localization.

  • Researcher

    CIIRC - 2018 - Current

    Research in field of camera calibration, visual localization and deep geometry, participation in H2020 Up-Drive and H2020 SPRING projects.

  • Junior Developer Freelancer

    Factorify - 2015

    Focus on production optimization, scheduling and simulation. Development and implementation of scheduling algorithms.

  • Education

  • PhD student

    CTU - current

    Advisor: Tomáš Pajdla

  • (Ing.) MSc in Computer Science

    CTU - 2018

    Program: Open Informatics - Computer Vision and Image processing

    Thesis: “Camera Rig Calibration” | Advisor: Tomáš Pajdla

  • bachelor in Computer Science

    CTU - 2015

    Program: Open Informatics - Computer Science

    Thesis: “Automatic Colouring Book Creation on Touch Devices with OS Android” | Advisor: Daniel Průša

  • Graduation

    Malostranské Gymnázium - 2011


Camera Calibration

Development of CIIRC CRCT - Camera Rig Calibration Toolbox. It has been used for sensor fusion in Up-Drive project. Yet to be published.

Deep Geometry

Research in camera modeling using deep nerual networks.

Visual Localization

Research in visual localization, map representation for dynamic environments, semantic localisation and mapping, metric-semantic map representation.

Advanced Robotics

Teaching of Advanced Robotics course at CTU.

Geometry for Computer Vision and Graphics

Teaching of Geometry for Computer Vision and Graphics course at CTU.


Cycling to work, cycling on holidays, long distance cycling.


CVPR - June 2020

Uncertainty Based Camera Model Selection

Authors: Michal Polic, Stanislav Steidl, Cenek Albl, Zuzana Kukelova, Tomas Pajdla.

Jan. 9th 2018

Camera Rig Calibration

Master Thesis


I have experience leading practicals for following courses:


PRO - Advanced Robotics

Citation from course Content: "We will explain some fundamental notions appearing in advanced robotics. We shall, e.g., explain how to solve the inverse kinematics task of a general serial manipulator with 6 degrees of freedom. There is a general solution to this problem but it can't easily be obtained by elementary methods. We shall present some more advanced algebraic tools for solving algebraic equations. We will also pay special attention to representing and parameterizing rotations and motions in 3D space. We will solve simulated problems as well as problems with real data in labs and in assignments."


GVG - Geometry for Computer Vision and Graphics

Citation from course Content: "We will explain the basics of Euclidean, Affine and Projective geometry and show how to measure distances and angles in a scene from its images. We will introduce a model of the perspective camera, explain how images change when moving a camera and show how to find the camera pose from images. We will demonstrate the theory in practical tasks of panorama construction, finding the camera pose, adding a virtual object to a real scene and reconstructing a 3D model of a scene from its images. We will be building on our previous knowledge of Linear algebra and will provide fundamentals of geometry for computer vision, computer graphics, image processing and object recognition."