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I have been working on the development of Formal Methods and Automated Reasoning during my whole academic career spanning now over 16 years, which includes SW verification, SAT, MaxSAT, or SMT solvers. I am contributing to the development of the SMT cvc5. More recently, I've been applying machine learning to improve SAT based solvers, mainly SMT (satisfiability modulo theories). I am the head of Formal Methods Research Group at the Czech Institute of of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics (CIIRC).

Invariant neural architecture for learning term synthesis in instantiation proving [doi]
J. Piepenbrock, J. Urban, K. Korovin, M. Olšák, T. Heskes, M. Janota in Journal of Symbolic Computation
Symbolic Computation for All the Fun [arxiv] [pdf]
C. E. Brown, M. Janota, M. Olšák in Satisfiability Checking and Symbolic Computation, SC2 2024
Understanding GNNs for Boolean Satisfiability through Approximation Algorithms [arxiv] [preprint]
J. Hůla, D. Mojžíšek, M. Janota in Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) 2024
Machine Learning for Quantifier Selection in cvc5 [arxiv] [doi]
J. Jakubův, M. Janota, J. Piepenbrock, and J. Urban in ECAI 2024
C-Pack of IPAs: A C90 Program Benchmark of Introductory Programming Assignments [doi] [arxiv]
P. Orvalho, M. Janota, and V. Manquinho in APR '24: 5th ACM/IEEE International Workshop on Automated Program Repair
Cube-based Isomorph-free Finite Model Finding [preprint] [doi] [lightning-talk]
C. Chow, M. Janota, J. Araújo in ECAI 2024
Solving Hard Mizar Problems with Instantiation and Strategy Invention [doi] [arxiv]
J. Jakubův, M. Janota, and J. Urban in CICM 2024, Best Paper Award
CFaults: Model-Based Diagnosis for Fault Localization in C with Multiple Test Cases [arxiv] [doi] [bib]
P. Orvalho, M. Janota, and V. Manquinho in Formal Methods 2024 FM Artifact FM Artifact Functional
GitSEED: A Git-backed Automated Assessment Tool for Software Engineering [arxiv]
P. Orvalho, M. Janota, and V. Manquinho in SIGCSE Virtual 2024
SAT-based Techniques for Lexicographically Smallest Finite Models [doi] [preprint] [tool] [data] [slides] [talk]
M. Janota, C. Chow, J. Araújo, M. Codish, P. Vojtěchovský in AAAI 2024
First Experiments with Neural cvc5 [doi] [bib]
J. Piepenbrock, M. Janota, J. Urban and J. Jakubuv in LPAR 2024
Graph Neural Networks For Mapping Variables Between Programs [doi] [arXiv]
P. Orvalho, J. Piepenbrock, M. Janota, V. Manquinho in ECAI 2023
Symmetries for Cube-and-conquer in Finite Model Finding [doi] [preprint] [slides]
J. Araújo, C. Chow, M. Janota in CP 2023
Towards Learning Infinite SMT Models [preprint] [slides]
M. Janota, B. Piotrowski, K. Chvalovský in SYNASC 2023
Data-driven Single Machine Scheduling Minimizing Weighted Number of Tardy Jobs [doi] [preprint]
N. Antonov, P. Šůcha, and M. Janota in EPIA 2023
Experiments on Infinite Model Finding in SMT Solving [prepr] [doi] [examples]
J. Parsert, C. E. Brown, M. Janota, C. Kaliszyk in LPAR 2023
A Benchmark for Infinite Models in SMT [prepr] [data] [slides] [talk]
M. Janota, C. E. Brown, C. Kaliszyk in AITP 2023
A Mathematical Benchmark for Inductive Theorem Provers [preprint] [doi]
T. Gauthier, C. E. Brown, M. Janota, J. Urban in LPAR 2023
Computing Generating Sets of Minimal Size in Finite Algebras [preprint] [doi]
M. Janota, A. Morgado, P. Vojtěchovský in Journal of Symbolic Computation
Selecting Quantifiers for Instantiation in SMT [pdf]
J. Jakubův, M. Janota, B. Piotrowski, J. Piepenbrock, and A. Reynolds in SMT 2023
Molecule Builder: Environment for Testing Reinforcement Learning Agents [doi]
P. Hyner, J. Hula, M. Janota in IJCCI 2023
Fast Heuristic for Ricochet Robots [doi] [pdf]
J. Hůla, D. Adamczyk, M. Janota in ICAART-23
Integrated lot-sizing and scheduling: Mitigation of uncertainty in demand and processing time by machine learning [doi]
M. Rohaninejad, M. Janota, Z. Hanzálek in Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Towards Learning Quantifier Instantiation in SMT [preprint] [doi]
M. Janota, J. Piepenbrock, B. Piotrowski in SAT 2022
MultIPAs: applying program transformations to introductory programming assignments for data augmentation [doi]
P. Orvalho, M. Janota, V. M. Manquinho in ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE 2022
TestSelector: Automatic Test Suite Selection for Student Projects [doi] [arXiv]
F. Marques, A. Morgado, J. Fragoso Santos, M. Janota in International Conference on Runtime Verification
Targeted Configuration of an SMT Solver [doi] [preprint]
J. Hůla, J. Jakubův, M. Janota, and L. Kubej in CICM 2022
Boosting Isomorphic Model Filtering with Invariants [doi] [arXiv]
J. Araújo, C. Chow, M. Janota in CONSTRAINTS
Guiding an Automated Theorem Prover with Neural Rewriting [preprint] [doi]
J. Piepenbrock, T. Heskes, M. Janota, and J. Urban in IJCAR 2022
SAT-based Leximax Optimisation Algorithms [preprint] [slides] [doi]
M. Cabral, M. Janota, and V. Manquinho in SAT 2022
Challenges and Solutions for Higher-Order SMT Proofs [preprint] [talk]
C. E. Brown, M. Janota, and C. Kaliszyk in SMT 2022
Fair and Adventurous Enumeration of Quantifier Instantiations [doi] [preprint] [talk] [slides]
M. Janota, H. Barbosa, P. Fontaine, A. Reynolds in FMCAD 2021
The Seesaw Algorithm: Function Optimization using Implicit Hitting Sets [preprint] [talk] [doi]
M. Janota, A. Morgado, J. Fragoso, V. Manquinho in CP 2021
Filtering Isomorphic Models by Invariants [preprint] [doi]
J. Araújo, C. Chow, M. Janota in CP 2021
Graph Neural Networks for Scheduling of SMT Solvers [doi] [preprint]
J. Hůla, D. Mojžíšek, M. Janota in ICTAI 2021
Characteristic Subsets of SMT-LIB Benchmarks [preprint]
J. Jakubuv, M. Janota and A. Reynolds in SMT 2021
First-Order Instantiation using Discriminating Terms [preprint] [talk]
C. E. Brown, M. Janota in SMT 2021
How to Approximate Leximax-optimal Solutions [preprint]
M. Cabral, M. Janota, and V. Manquinho in POS 2021
SAT-based Encodings for Optimal Decision Trees with Explicit Paths [doi] [talk] [tool]
M. Janota, A. Morgado in SAT 2020
New Resolution-Based QBF Calculi and Their Proof Complexity [doi]
O. Beyersdorff, L. Chew, M. Janota in ACM Transactions on Computation Theory (TOCT)
PrideMM: Second Order Model Checking for Memory Consistency Models [slides] [preprint]
S. Cooksey, S. Harris, M. Batty, R. Grigore, M. Janota in TAPAS '19
Machine Learning of Strategies in QBF Solving [preprint] [slides]
R. Silva, M. Janota in RCRA '19
On Unordered BDDs and Quantified Boolean Formulas [preprint]
M. Janota in EPIA '19
Towards Smarter MACE-style Model Finders [preprint] [doi] [slides] [bib]
M. Janota and Martin Suda in LPAR '18
QBF Solvers Submitted to QBF Competition 2018 [slides]
M. Janota in QBF '18
Circuit-based Search Space Pruning in QBF [doi] [slides] [preprint] [github]
M. Janota in SAT '18
Towards Generalization in QBF Solving via Machine Learning [tool] [doi] [preprint]
M. Janota in AAAI '18
On the Quest for an Acyclic Graph [preprint] [slides] [arXiv]
M. Janota, Radu Grigore, V. Manquinho in RCRA '17
On Minimal Corrections in ASP [preprint] [slides]
M. Janota, Joao Marques-Silva in RCRA '17
Minimal sets on propositional formulae. Problems and reductions [doi]
Joao Marques-Silva, M. Janota, Carlos Mencía in Artificial Intelligence
An Achilles' Heel of Term-Resolution [doi] [preprint]
M. Janota, Joao Marques-Silva in EPIA 17
On Incremental Core-Guided MaxSAT Solving [pdf]
Xujie Si, Xin Zhang, V. Manquinho, M. Janota, Alexey Ignatiev, and Mayur Naik in CP 16
On Q-Resolution and CDCL QBF Solving [pdf] [slides] [doi]
M. Janota in SAT 16
Extension Variables in QBF Resolution [eccc]
Olaf Beyersdorff, Leroy Chew, M. Janota in Beyond NP Workshop
Current Trends in QBF Solving [slides]
M. Janota invited talk at the Beyond NP Workshop
Solving QBF with Counterexample Guided Refinement [doi] [bib]
M. Janota, William Klieber, Joao Marques-Silva, and Edmund M. Clarke in Journal of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
On Intervals and Bounds in Bit-vector Arithmetic. [ee]
M. Janota, Christoph M. Wintersteiger in SMT@IJCAR
On the Query Complexity of Selecting Minimal Sets for Monotone Predicates [doi]
M. Janota, Joao Marques-Silva in Journal of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
MiFuMax-a Literate MaxSAT Solver [doi] [tool]
M. Janota, in Journal on Satisfiability, Boolean Modeling and Computation (JSAT)
Playing with Quantified Satisfaction [doi] [preprint] [slides]
N. Bjørner, M. Janota, in LPAR-20
On Conflicts and Strategies in QBF [doi] [preprint] [slides]
N. Bjørner, M. Janota, William Klieber, in LPAR-20
Solving QBF by Clause Selection [ee] [preprint] [tool] [bib]
M. Janota, Joao Marques-Silva, in IJCAI '15
Efficient Model Based Diagnosis with Maximum Satisfiability [ee]
Joao Marques-Silva M. Janota, Alexey Ignatiev, António Morgado, in IJCAI '15
Quantified Maximum Satisfiability [doi] [bib]
Alexey Ignatiev, M. Janota, Joao Marques-Silva, in Constraints, An International Journal
Expansion-based QBF Solving versus Q-Resolution [doi] [preprint] [bib]
M. Janota, Joao Marques-Silva, in Journal of Theoretical Computer Science (TCS)
Exploiting Resolution-Based Representations for MaxSAT Solving [doi]
M. Neves, R. Martins, M. Janota, I. Lynce, V. Manquinho in SAT '15
Proof Complexity of Resolution-based QBF Calculi [doi] [eccc] [bib]
Olaf Beyersdorff, Leroy Chew, M. Janota, in STACS '15
Efficient Extraction of QBF (Counter)models from Long-Distance Resolution Proofs
Valeriy Balabanov, Jie-Hong R. Jiang, M. Janota, and Magdalena Widl, in AAAI '15
On Unification of QBF Resolution-Based Calculi [preprint] [slides] [eccc] [doi]
Olaf Beyersdorff, Leroy Chew, M. Janota in Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS '14).
On Instantiation-Based Calculi for QBF [slides]
M. Janota, Leroy Chew, and Olaf Beyersdorff in Invited talk at the QBF Workshop 2014.
Towards efficient optimization in package management systems [ee]
Alexey Ignatiev, M. Janota, Joao Marques-Silva in International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE '14)
On lazy and eager interactive reconfiguration [slides] [ee]
M. Janota, Goetz Botterweck, Joao Marques-Silva in International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems (VaMoS '14)
Algorithms for Computing Backbones of Propositional Formulae [preprint] [ee]
M. Janota, Inês Lynce, and Joao Marques-Silva in Journal of AI Communications (AI-Com)
Algorithms for computing minimal equivalent subformulas [doi]
Anton Belov, M. Janota, Inês Lynce, and Joao Marques-Silva in Journal of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
On QBF Proofs and Preprocessing [preprint] [slides] [arXiv] [ee] [blogpost] [tools]
M. Janota, Radu Grigore, Joao Marques-Silva
Logic for Programming Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR-19)
Solving QBF with Free Variables [doi] [preprint]
W. Klieber, M. Janota, J. Marques-Silva, and E. M. Clarke
19th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP'13)
On Propositional QBF Expansions and Q-Resolution [doi] [preprint] [slides] [scripts]
M. Janota, Joao Marques-Silva
16th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT '13)
Quantified Maximum Satisfiability: A Core-Guided Approach [preprint]
Alexey Ignatiev, M. Janota, Joao Marques-Silva
16th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT '13)
On Computing Minimal Correction Subsets [ee]
Joao Marques-Silva, Federico Heras, M. Janota, Alessandro Previti, Anton Belov
IJCAI 2013
Minimal Sets over Monotone Predicates in Boolean Formulae [preprint] [doi]
Joao Marques-Silva, M. Janota, Anton Belov
International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV '13)
On Computing Minimal Equivalent Subformulas [doi]
Anton Belov, M. Janota, Inês Lynce, and Joao Marques-Silva
18th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP'12)
Solving QBF with Counterexample Guided Refinement [doi] [preprint] [slides] [tool] [bib]
M. Janota, William Klieber, Joao Marques-Silva, and Edmund M. Clarke
The 15th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT '12)
On Unit-Refutation Complete Formulae with Existentially Quantified Variables [ee] [preprint] [slides]
Lucas Bordeaux, M. Janota, Joao Marques-Silva, and Pierre Marquis
International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR), 2012
Experimental Analysis of Backbone Computation Algorithms [pdf] [ee] [slides]
M. Janota, Inês Lynce, and Joao Marques-Silva
International Workshop on "Experimental Evaluation of Algorithms for solving problems with combinatorial explosion", RCRA
On Checking of Skolem-based Models of QBF [ee] [slides]
M. Janota and Joao Marques-Silva
International Workshop on "Experimental Evaluation of Algorithms for solving problems with combinatorial explosion", RCRA
QBF-Based Boolean Function Bi-decomposition [arXiv] [ee]
Huan Chen, M. Janota, Joao Marques-Silva
Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 2012
PackUp: Tools for Package Upgradability Solving [ee] [tool]
M. Janota, Inês Lynce, V. Manquinho, Joao Marques-Silva
Journal on Satisfiability, Boolean Modeling and Computation, Volume 8, 2012
On Deciding MUS Membership with QBF [bib] [slides] [pdf] [doi]
M. Janota, Joao Marques-Silva
17th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP'11)
Abstraction-Based Algorithm for 2QBF [doi] [slides] [pdf]
M. Janota, Joao Marques-Silva
14th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT '11)
cmMUS: A Tool for Circumscription-Based MUS Membership Testing [doi] [pdf] [tool]
M. Janota, Joao Marques-Silva
The 11th International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (LPNMR '11)
Counterexample Guided Abstraction Refinement Algorithm for Propositional Circumscription [slides] [bib] [doi] [pdf]
M. Janota, Radu Grigore, Joao Marques-Silva
The 12th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA '10)
On Computing Backbones of Propositional Theories [slides] [bib] [pdf]
Joao Marques-Silva, M. Janota, and Inês Lynce
The 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI '10).
How to Complete an Interactive Configuration Process? [slides] [bib] [pdf]
M. Janota, Goetz Botterweck, Radu Grigore, and Joao Marques-Silva
International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science (SOFSEM '10).
CLOPS: A DSL for Command Line Options [slides] [bib] [pdf] [tool]
M. Janota, Fintan Fairmichael, Viliam Holub, Radu Grigore, Julien Charles, Dermot Cochran, and Joseph Kiniry.
IFIP Working Conference on Domain Specific Languages (DSL WC), Oxford, 2009.
Model Construction with External Constraints: An Interactive Journey from Semantics to Syntax [slides] [pdf]
M. Janota, Victoria Kuzina, and Andrzej Wasowski.
ACM/IEEE 11th Int. Conf. on Model Driven Eng. Languages and Systems Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (MODELS '08).
Do SAT Solvers Make Good Configurators? [slides] [bib] [pdf]
M. Janota.
First Workshop on Analyses of Software Product Lines (ASPL '08). Limerick, Ireland, September 12, 2008.
Formal Approach to Integrating Feature and Architecture Models [slides] [pdf]
M. Janota and Goetz Botterweck.
Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE '08). Budapest, Hungary. April, 2008.
Reachability Analysis for Annotated Code [doi] [pdf] [slides]
M. Janota, Radu Grigore, and Michał Moskal.
The 6th International Workshop on the Specification and Verification of Component-based Systems (SAVCBS '07). Dubrovnik, Croatia. September, 2007.
Reasoning about Feature Models in Higher-Order Logic [slides] [pdf]
M. Janota, Joseph Kiniry.
The 11th International Software Product Lines Conference (SPLC 2007). Kyoto, Japan. September, 2007.
Assertion-based Loop Invariant Generation [slides] [pdf]
M. Janota
The 1st International Workshop on Invariant Generation (WING 2007). Hagenberg, Austria. June, 2007.

POSTMAN --- Powering SMT Solvers by Machine Learning

ROBOPROX --- Robotics and Advanced Industrial Production


mlex, a tool to calculate the lexicographically smallest isomorphic model for a given model (algebra).

QFUN, QBF Solver based on RAReQS and machine learning

CQESTO, A circuit-based version of QESTO.

QESTO, QBF Solver based on clause selection

AReQS, Abstraction Refinement QBF Solver for non-CNF 2QBF

RAReQS-NN, Recursive Abstraction Refinement QBF Solver supporting Non-CNF, Non-Prenex formulas

RAReQS, Recursive Abstraction Refinement QBF Solver

MiFuMaX, unsat-based MaXSAT solver based on minisat

qcnf2z3, a set of scripts that enable invoking Z3 on QDIMACS instances.

cmMUS, MUS-membership solver based on translation to propositional circumscription

PackUP, a framework for package upgradability solving, allows for an external OPB solver

cudf2msu, a package upgradability solver based on msuncore

cudf2pbo, a package upgradability solver based on WBO

PIEnum, a simple prime implicant/model enumerator

minibones, a program to compute backbones of a formula

SAT Solving in Interactive Configuration [pdf] [bib]
PhD Thesis, Department of Computer Science at University College Dublin
Automated Theorem Proving and Program Verification [pdf]
MSc Thesis, Department of Theoretical Computer Science and Mathematical Logic at Charles University in Prague
Technical Reports
Formal Methods in Software Product Lines: Concepts, Survey, and Guidelines [bib] [pdf]
M. Janota, Joseph Kiniry, and Goetz Botterweck,
Lero Technical Report, Lero-TR-SPL-2008-02, University of Limerick, May 2008.
Proofgold: Blockchain for Formal Methods [preprint]
C. E. Brown, C. Kaliszyk, T. Gauthier, J. Urban in Formal Methods for Blockchain Protocols 2022

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